Reducing the stigma of mental health in the workplace is key to a happier and healthier working environment. Removing shame and judgement by creating an open culture, investing in staff training, and engaging with awareness days are all excellent ways to reduce the stigma and help staff feel supported with their mental health challenges.
Encourage an open culture
Try to change the culture at your workplace so that staff don’t feel isolated, alone, or too embarrassed to discuss their mental health challenges. Create an open culture and signpost people as to where they can go for help. Use posters to give people information so that they don’t have to go out of their way to find it.
Make sure you set a non-judgemental tone and that you have an open-door policy, so that there’s never a bad time to ask for help and never a wrong person to go to.
Send staff for mental health training
Getting staff trained as mental health first aiders, or simply going on mental health awareness courses, are excellent ways to reduce stigma around mental health at the workplace. If you’re looking for mental health training courses Swansea then visit Tidal Training for information on a wide range of mental health courses. This includes a wide choice of both general and specific courses.
Awareness Events
National and international awareness events are a great way to shine a light on mental health conditions and create space for dialogue. Some key mental health national awareness events include Time to Talk Day, Mental Health Awareness Week, World Bipolar Day, World Mental Health Day, and Eating Disorders Awareness Week. For each of these, you will find online resources which will give you ideas on how you can use the event to raise awareness and reduce stigma at your workplace.
There are many ways that you can reduce the stigma around mental health issues in the workplace, from creating an open culture and staff training to attending awareness days. Make sure your work on this is ongoing.
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