What are the worst colours to paint your kitchen?

2 min read

Choosing a paint colour for your kitchen depends on various factors, including personal preferences, the amount of natural light, the size of the space, and the overall style you want to achieve. However, some colour choices might be less suitable for kitchens in general.
Don’t go too dark with the colours

While deep, moody colours can be trendy and dramatic, they can also make a kitchen feel smaller and less inviting, especially if the space lacks natural light. Dark colours can create a sombre atmosphere and this is something you want to avoid.

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Avoid bright or neon colours

Very bright or neon colours can be overwhelming in a kitchen, creating a harsh and busy look. These colours may not create the relaxed and comfortable cooking and dining space that you’re looking for.

Using too many bold and contrasting colours in a small space can make it visually chaotic. Consider a balanced approach, using a mix of neutral and accent colours to maintain a chic look.

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All-white can be clinical

While white kitchens are popular for their clean and timeless appearance, an all-white kitchen may show stains and dirt more easily. It can also feel sterile if not balanced with other elements.

If you want to go for a complete kitchen refurbishment, there are professionals who can help you achieve your dream. Kitchen refurbishment specialists such as https://www.thekitchenrefurbishmentcompany.co.uk are on hand to advise and guide you through the process. Country Living has some kitchen remodel ideas that may appeal to you.

Don’t use mismatched colours

Avoid using too many colours that clash with each other. Remember that personal preferences play a role in choosing kitchen colours. Before committing, consider testing paint samples in the actual space to see how they look under different lighting conditions.

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