The Importance of a Contact Page

You must have a page for contact information on your website. Every website should include a contact form. It is possible to add contact forms to the menu, footer or header, but it is always recommended having a dedicated page where all channels of contact should be concentrated.

Contact page should be easily accessible

Make it simple for users to find contact information. Add a direct link from the header of the site, and in a way that is as prominent as possible: in a different colour, in the shape of a button etc. This accessibility should also be available at all times. For advice on Web designer Exeter, visit

Contact page should be easily identifiable

The contact section is one of the many aspects of a site where creativity should be avoided. You should be uncreative. Call your contact page ‘Contact Us’, for example.

Keep all information up-to-date

It may seem obvious, but a user will be able to appreciate the fact that Information is current. It is very helpful to include not only contact information but also additional information like customer service hours and company holidays.

Contact us in multiple ways

The contact page should be kept to a minimum, unless it is logistically impossible. It is important to have as many contact options as possible. One of the most important is an immediate response (chat, phone, WhatsApp, etc.). You run the risk of losing a potential customer if you don’t offer an immediate service channel.

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