Hearing loss can have many causes, and whilst some may be permanent, others may be treatable. Diagnosing your hearing loss accurately is important if you want to identify the most appropriate response.
Causes of hearing loss
There are three main categories of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive and mixed. Sensorineural generally involves damage to the inner ear, its tiny hairs and nerves, whilst conductive may be caused by a physical blockage. Mixed is a combination of both. Hearing loss in either of these categories could be temporary or permanent. You cannot manage your hearing loss if you do not know its origins, which means visiting a doctor or audiologist for a hearing test Cheltenham. https://www.imperialhearing.com/audiologist-near-me/cheltenham/ is one example of a place that can provide hearing tests.
Temporary hearing loss
Some hearing loss is temporary. For instance, temporary conductive hearing loss may result from excess earwax, a foreign object trapped in your ear, or inflammation from infection. Removing the earwax or object, or treating the infection, should reverse the hearing loss. In some cases, it may resolve on its own, such as sensorineural hearing loss from being exposed to sudden loud noise. Some medications can cause hearing loss, in which case changing the medication or adjusting the dose may be a solution. Prompt treatment should lead to a quicker resolution.
Permanent hearing loss
Other cases of hearing loss may be permanent. This includes conductive hearing loss caused by structural abnormalities in your ear, or sensorineural hearing loss stemming from prolonged exposure to loud noises. Age-related sensorineural hearing loss cannot be reversed, and some forms of ototoxicity – the poisoning of the inner ear through certain types of drugs – have lasting effects. There is no treatment to restore the lost hearing, but hearing aids may improve comprehension by amplifying sound, whilst cochlear implants can bypass the damaged part of the ear to stimulate the auditory nerve directly.
If you have noticed you are struggling to hear, it is important to seek professional advice from a doctor or audiologist to ensure that the cause, and most appropriate treatment, can be identified.
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