The Ultimate Guide to Assessing Hail Damage on Your Vehicle

3 min read

When a hailstorm hits, you should first thoroughly document the damage with photos and videos from all angles. This is necessary to submit an insurance claim and guarantee just recompense.

But spotting hail damage is more challenging than it sounds. Hail dents can hide in places you wouldn’t expect.


Inspecting windows is a big part of assessing hail damage during severe weather. The impact of a hailstorm on window frames, glass or vinyl panes, sills, sashes, and trim can leave visible damage in the form of dents, gouges, and spatter marks.

Exterior window trim from wood, aluminum, or steel often shows hail damage in dings and gouges, especially on painted surfaces. Often, these areas are not a serious concern, but occasionally, they can allow water penetration, causing leaks, fogging, and material deterioration.

If your car has hail damage, hail damage repair Denver, CO before it worsens is essential. Contacting a professional to assist you with your insurance claim and repairs is the best way to ensure you get the money you need to cover the damages. They’ll be able to assess the damage, replace any shattered glass, and repair damaged window frames.


Windshields take much of the damage during a hail storm—the force and speed at which the hail moves can cause it to chip or crack windshields.

The best way to avoid this damage is to park your car indoors, which is only sometimes possible. If you cannot park your vehicle inside, consider buying a car cover to protect vehicles from hail. You can find these at most auto or hardware stores.

Pulling over and waiting for it to pass is essential if caught in the open during a hail storm. Continuing to drive can be dangerous, especially if your windshield or windows are cracked. If you can’t pull over, try to find a covered area or parking garage to park under.


The heaviest pieces of hail during a storm can damage your car’s body, leaving dents of various sizes. These dents can affect the shape of your car’s body panel and make it difficult to open the doors.

Paint damage is another common problem from hailstorms. Even hail that is smaller than peas can scrape against your car’s body, damaging the paint or clear coat. This can cause your vehicle to lose value, especially if it’s a luxury or high-end model.

Hail can also break your car windows. This is a hazardous problem because it can let water into your vehicle, damaging upholstery and any components not designed to be waterproof.


The doors of your car are susceptible to damage during a hail storm. The force of the hail can cause these dents, or they may be from preexisting damage.

If you notice that your doors are damaged during a hail storm, it is essential to get them fixed as soon as possible. This will shield your car from additional harm and stop it from rusting in the future.

A hailstorm may also damage other pieces of your car and the door panels. For example, if there is an issue with the roof moldings or scalp moldings on a particular year, make, and model cars, they will also be dented.

Depending on your insurance provider, filing a hail damage claim could result in a higher premium. This is because the number of claims will affect your overall rating. The best thing to do is consult with your insurance agent.

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